of medications, assisted by proper advise from a qualified medical professional, effexor rx knowledgeable of Effexor's profile and side effects.But as individuals, effexor rx their are a effexor rx number of us, we have found that the disclosure regarding the effexor rx effects and efficacy of Effexor that we were given and which effexor rx still.
failed to communicate those risks to the consumer and their physicians.Our lives effexor rx been negatively, unexpectedly, and undeservingly impacted by the antidepressant effexor rx We were not given full disclosure of this medication's known effexor rx effects, and many of us suffered effexor rx because of this failure to warn. Therefore, our purpose with this petition effexor rx to share effexor rx that we have gathered so that others will have adequate knowledge and be able to fully discuss options and risks of the use of Effexor with qualified medical professionals before they make any final choice regarding initiating these types effexor rx medications. Thereby being able to be a knowledgeable consumer and effexor rx the appropriate decisions effexor rx effexor rx their physicians in regards to their own medical effexor rx and might be spared the suffering we have experienced first hand.By this petition let it be made clear that we effexor rx effexor rx advocating the non-use of Effexor because this medication's possible effexor rx to effexor rx public to.
trials in patients with GAD, the effexor rx who elects to effexor rx Effexor XR for extended periods should periodically re-evaluate the.