that effect. Drug information contained herein nicorette zyban be time sensitive. Multum information has been compiled for use nicorette zyban nicorette zyban practitioners and consumers in the United States and therefore Multum does not warrant that uses outside of nicorette zyban United States are appropriate, unless specifically.
formulation of nicorette zyban revealed a seizure incidence ofapproximately 0.4% (4/1,000) nicorette zyban depressed patients treated at doses in a range of 300 to450 mg/day. In addition, the estimated seizure incidence increases almost tenfoldbetween 450 and 600 mg/day.• Patient factors: nicorette zyban factors that nicorette zyban increase the risk of nicorette zyban withbupropion use include history of head trauma or nicorette zyban seizure, central nervous system(CNS) tumor, the presence nicorette zyban severe hepatic cirrhosis, and concomitant medicationsthat lower seizure nicorette zyban Clinical situations: Circumstances associated with an increased seizure nicorette zyban include,among others, excessive use of alcohol or sedatives (including benzodiazepines);addiction to nicorette zyban cocaine, or stimulants; use of over-the-counter stimulants nicorette zyban and diabetes treated with oral hypoglycemics or insulin.• Concomitant medications: Many medications (e.g., antipsychotics, antidepressants,theophylline, systemic steroids) are known to lower seizure.
using a COSTART-based dictionary.ZYBAN nicorette zyban well-tolerated in the long-term maintenance trial that evaluated chronic.